Wind: NE 5 mph Visibility: 10 mi
Pressure: 1018 mb
Conditions as of 10:30am
7-Day Forecast:
SW 8 mph
WSW 11 mph
NW 5 mph
NNE 2 mph
NNE 3 mph
NE 3 mph
ESE 5 mph
ENE 2 mph
E 3 mph
SSE 6 mph
W 8 mph
NW 4 mph
ENE 4 mph
Next 36 Hours
This month has been a cold one, with our temperatures for the most part being below our average for this time of year. Today was different, as we reached 50 degrees for the first time in a while. That number (above that, actually) is coming up in this Tri-Cities Weather Blog forecast!
We start with tonight, and clear skies are likely. Not much going on, as lows drop to 29 degrees.
Tomorrow features a sunny day all day long, and we’ll warm up to 55 in the afternoon. Clear skies remain for tomorrow night as well, as our low drops to 28.
Things start to change as soon as Thursday afternoon. We’ll have clouds increasing throughout the day as a cold front approaches. So it’ll look partly to mostly cloudy at times, with a rain shower possible in the afternoon. Highs should still get up to around 58 degrees. Rain becomes likely Thursday night.
The cold front moves through on Friday, so that will bring us a cloudy and rainy day. Time to wash some of the salt off the roads…and cars! We’ll have gusty winds at times with the clouds and the rain as well, but it least it won’t be cold. Highs will top out Friday at around 56.
We begin the weekend Saturday with a small chance of rain early in the day, but that should taper off and it looks likely that at least some sunshine is possible in the afternoon. We’ll have highs on Saturday around 54.
As it looks right now, 60 degrees may be possible as we head into either Sunday or early next week, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Thanks for checking here for the forecast today!